Monday, August 14, 2006

Bala Devi

"Sri Bala Devi"
"Bhandaputra Vadhodyukta Balaavikrama Nandita"

The Sonidha King Bhandan sends his thirty sons to fight against the Sri Lalita-Maha-Tripura -sundari devi. Sri Bala Devi, aged nine forever, emerged from all the forces of the Paradevata as her daughter. As one who always lives very close to Sri-Lalita-Maha-Tripurasundari, prepares herself for this conflict.

She wore the Armour that emerged from that of Devi and seated on a Chariot named "Karnee- Radham" fought with all the Sons of Asura King Bhanda and ultimately won over them. Mantrini and Dandini narrated her valour in warfield to the anxious Devi who was immensely surprised as well as delighted by the War Tactics of the young Bala Devi.

Bala Devi is the "Anga" Devatha of Sri Lalitamahatripurasundari. Annapoorna Devi is the "Ubhanga" Devatha and Aswarooda Devi is the "Pratyanga" Devatha of the Para-Devi.

Upasana of Sri Bala Devi liberates the Human beings from the Karmic debts of the Ten Indhriyas of the Body. She is equally associated with the Conquest of Ashta-Maha-Siddhies by Yogis and Ascetics.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Ashwarooda Devi


Sri Lalita-Maha-Tripurasundari Devi created Ashwarooda Devi from "Pasa-Banam" in her hand. She is always alighted on her Horse and heads the Forces of Horses. The Horse which she rides is called as "Aparajita" literally meaning "The Invincible" or which cannot be won-over by anyone. The Five Physical senses like our eyes etc. are these Horses. The Devi riding these horses represents our Mind or Manas. Thus she controls Millions of Minds in this Universe. Worship of this Devi gives us Control of our Mind and thus also our Physical Senses...

Wednesday, August 02, 2006



The Abode of Para-Devi
Sri Lalita-

I am dedicating this blog to all those who look to Her as the Ultimate.

Salutations to my Guru, Parama-Guru and Paramatma-Guru and all those who made this possible.

Salutations to my Family and all my Friends who share my Ideals and Beliefs in

Shakta, Tantra and Sastra.