Saturday, September 02, 2006

Sree Sampatkari Devi


“ Sampathkari Samaaruda Sindhura Vrja Sevitha ”

Sri Lalita-Maha-Tripurasundari after creating her army from her own forces, created Four Devis from her own weapons of Pasa ( Noose ), Ankusa ( Goad ), Ikshu-Kodanda ( Bow ) and Panja Bana ( Arrows ).

From Pasa or Noose emerged “Sree Aswarooda Devi” to head the Cavalry of Horses.

From Ankusa or Goad emerged “Sree Sampatkari Devi" to head the Elephant Forces.

From Ikshukothanda emanated “Sree Mantrini Devi" to become the Minister.

From Pancha-Bana arose “Sree Dandini or Varahi Devi" and she became the Chief of all the Armies of the Devi.

The Ankusa ( Elephant Goad ) held in Para-Devi’s hand represents both “Krodha” and “Gnana”. Devi created “Sree Sampathkari Devi” from this Ankusa and made her the head of the Elephant Forces. According to Devi-Mahatmya, “Sree Sampathkari Devi” confronted the Asura Durmada along with thousands of elephants in herds eventually defeating him. The elephant on which she rides is called “RANAKOLAHALAM”. Elephant represents wealth. Hence the worship of Sree Sampatkari Devi brings forth wealth.

What does any Experience do ? When it is enjoyable and a memorable one, it creates happiness within us. The word “Sampath” actually depicts the Inner Peace or Fulfillment obtained subsequent to any enjoyable experience.

Tripudi is Gnana, Gnatru & Gnyeyam, namely the Knowledge, the Learner and the Subject learnt. “Suga-Sampatkari” is actually the Inner Knowledge of the Higher Self which distinguishes these three essentials as separate entities and helps for application or proper use of the external and internal senses for attaining Peace and Happiness.

Thus though “Sampathkari Devi” represents this Inner Joy, she actually directs our Mind towards the Experience first but also regulates the activity of all the Physical Senses.

An “Ankusa” though small can tame even a mighty Elephant. Similarly “Sree Sampathkari Devi “ represents the Restriction of the Physical self required for the Task of controlling our emotions and Senses and thus evolves an Experience. Goad only restricts the Self from striding into evil ways as it controls the elephant and is not meant for driving the Senses into Indulgence like an elephant in “heat”. Thus though our Mind can act independently and also in Speed, it must be restricted and aimed towards obtaining the Inner Peace after the control of Physical Senses.

We can thus deduce that “Ankusa” which is a form of “Krodha” or “Anger” is actually used to obtain “Gnana” or “Knowledge” though Tranquility and Mental Peace obtained by the controlled and appropriate use of our Sense organs.


At 10:45 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Mr.Ravi,can you please give the mantra of sampathkari with rishi chandas and dhyana slokam?Itwill be very useful of srividya upasakas
Viswanatha Iyer

At 12:41 AM, Blogger Sailesh Varma said...

Being a devi upasaka, same question, could you please give the mantra with the rishi, chandas, devata and dhyanasloka ? Thank You.

At 7:01 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Sir. I m doing varahi pooja for Aashada navarathri. Can u please help me by giving ashwaruda devi mantras and sampathkari devi mantras.


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