Thursday, September 28, 2006


The Seven Mother Godesses

The cult of Sapta-Matrukas or Ashta-Matrukas date back to very ancient times. According to a legend described Varaha-purana and in Isaana-Sivagurudeva-paddhati, which is followed all over Kerala, the Matrukas were created to help Lord Shiva in his fight against Andhakasura. While Shiva was in combat with Andhakasura, innumerable Asuras arose from the blood that flowed from his body, and in order to eliminate them, Lord Shiva created “Yogheswari” from the Fire that emanated from his mouth. He also created a Sakthi called “Maaheswari” who thus came to be called as “SIVADHUTI”. Brahma, Indra, Varahamurthy, Vishnu, Karthikeyan and Yama all created their Sakthis into distinct Devis to help Lord Shiva and they collectively formed the Sapta-Matrukas. In Suprabedagama it is stated that they were created to help Brahma to fight against the Asura Nairita. According to Devi-Mahatmya and Markandeya- purana the Sapta-Matrukas were created to help Devi fight Sumbha & Nisumbha. In some traditions, instead of Narasimhi, Chamunda ( or Kali ) is included and Sivadhuti as Maaheswari in the collective Sapta-Matrukas.


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